UX Vision for Booking.com

Creating a design vision for how merchandising* across Booking.com will look to help customers understand the value they can get with their bookings.


Create a UX vision for how all merchadising across Booking.com

  • Strategy

    User Research, Workshop Facilitation, UX Strategy

  • Design

    User Research, UX Design, A/B Testing

  • Client


01 // Project Overview

Creating the vision for merchandising at Bookin.com

Booking.com is one of the largest providers of accommodation for travellers around the globe. The Price Display team owns everything related to pricing in the product. I joined the team in March 2021. 

Over the years with the expansion of more deals, discounts and benefits, the UI became a never-ending battle for which one gets displayed and how prominent they should be.

02 // Challenges

Aligning both business and customer pain points

Business problems

Product teams were fighting for space with their merchandising products which results in inconsistent design patterns and overload on the UI for customers. There was no clear guidelines for how or where to display their product

Customer problems

Customers had a hard time to understand the real value they were receiving from an accommodation. Customers also didn’t believe that discounts were real ones.


Putting our designs in action through A/B experimentation

We broke down our vision designs into smaller steps. The first area we focused on was a discount focused price breakdown which resulted in 1000+ bookings per day.

04 // Statistics

Outcomes from the project


Team aligned

Created a shared vision with product and design teams.


Extra bookings per day

Results from just one of the many successful A/B experiment from this project.


New components

Speeding up design and development time and alignment.

Website & Mobile App Design
05 // Honors


Creating a portfolio budgeting in a real time planning and phasing.

Get an utilized of structure to tackle.

A higher spacing and movements through an impactful email campaigns.
